Final Reflection (pt 2): Revisiting my intention
Wow. I really wish I had reread that sooner, that post that I wrote at the beginning. That guy had some insight into how to practice. On the other hand, he overestimated what goals were reasonable. When I think back, especially after about 2 weeks in, I think I was trying to practice a whole dathün. Part of this was built in. I had to plan it as I went. Which meant that I had to build my container, hold it, and relax into it. That’s a lot for one person to do.

Simplicity and motivation. Connecting with a larger overall motivation. When I think back on my qualifying exams (which I know weren’t actually as disciplined as I remember), one of the things that I had was a very clear motivation. I wanted to do my best so that I could feel genuine at my wedding, whether I passed or failed. So part of my motivation was just Maitri being around all the time and imagining us standing at the shrine. I wanted to give her my best me on our wedding day. Concrete motivation. Not the kind of thing that I can ignore myself out of. Failure is possible. Trying to formulate a motivation that avoids the possibility of failure will lead to a wan and limp motivation, or one that’s so abstract it’s useless.
Maitri returns home today. Then we have a meditation retreat in 2.5 weeks. Seems like a good practice period. Good time to practice simplicity.
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