Spiritual Practice and Mental Illness OR ‘This’ll go away once I’ve practiced enough, right?'

I’m often questioning the relationship between my mental illness and my practice path. Sitting here I’m at the end of a pretty intense week. On Tuesday I was sobbing like I’ve never sobbed before. On Wednesday I was mostly anxious, Thursday I was getting hypomanic and I don’t know what’s been going on today. I would say hypomanic because I woke up about an hour before my alarm, but I had to take a nap because I was so exhausted this afternoon. So something other than hypomanic. Maybe today was a transition day. Why am I writing about this right now? Well, my mood has been as the forefront of my awareness, clearly. The second thing is that I just read a sort of micro-memoir of a pretty famous dharma teacher in which he talked about experiencing clinical depression, viewing medication as the last resort, and left it ambiguous whether practice was sufficient treatment for his depression. The feeling I got was that he did not in th...