After one helluva year, it’s done, the dissertation. And Maitri and I, we have a son. He’s sleeping up against my chest right now. Those two events, my finishing my dissertation and the birth of our son are inextricably intertwined. So I feel like this is the end of a chapter. The manifest spontaneity chapter? Mmmm…..No. Actually, maybe I’ll go back to that beginnings and vision page. And we’re back. I started this blog-project with the intention of writing more. Writing from authenticity. Manifesting spontaneity. It’s hard to tell whether this project helped me write my dissertation. One thing I do observe: writing frequency on this blog was inversely proportional to writing frequency for my dissertation. I do think that this blog helped me. Whenever I got stuck, I could come here to write. I think this outlet kept me from stagnating quite so much. Getting used to writing, no matter how...