The self-flowing river

I haven’t posted here in quite a while. I’ve been trying to wrap up data collection for my dissertation before I move (3 weeks!!!). I keep thinking about how I work with my mood. I call it my mood but it’s more than that. It’s my physical energy level, sleep/wakefulness, gusto for life, breadth and engine of curiosity. Not hard to see that all those things impact my relationships pretty directly. This morning I’ve been thinking about movement and flow, momentum. The most ready image being a river. Only a fool would try to stop a river altogether. Doing so would be ignorant of the immensity of force generated by the environmental conditions culminating in (or descending into) the river. River in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I found it here . How can I guide this mood-momentum in a beneficial direction? (I intentionally avoided using ‘productive’ there.) Gentle firm pressure might shift the ...