Pondering Relationships
It’s been a while since I’ve engaged writing here specifically as a practice. The most recent posts have felt report-y. So here I am. I don’t know what I have to say, but I can trust this welling-up feeling. Is it hope? Hope that something good will come out of me? Something helpful or insightful? Yep, that’s definitely in here. Relationships. That’s where a lot of the juice has been for me lately. Just writing that, it’s like blowing on a bed of coals glowing in my diaphragm. Relationships are hard, and I love them. I think I take refuge in an image of myself as successful in my relationships. When I get really discouraged and hopeless about my research, I find myself trying to latch on to and shore up my relationships. “I refuse to be a workaholic, because relationships are what will really make me happy and proud,” I say to myself. I’ve been doing a contemplation recently on impermanenc...