
Showing posts from July, 2015

Matters of the Heart: Part 2

The reason that Maitri and I travelled to <midwestern city> is for our sweethearts’ wedding.  It occurs to me that the plural possessive form in the object of that sentence requires some elaboration.  Maitri and I are polyamorous.  Basically, that means that our commitment to each other doesn’t include ‘forsaking all others’.  Polyamory (sometimes ‘poly' for short) comes in just about as many flavors as there are people practicing it.  Maybe in a future post I’ll elaborate on the specifics and ideological underpinnings of this way of conducting relationships, but for now I’m going to stick to how things actually play out in my experience.  I will emphasize one more point, though, which is that the relationships that occur under the umbrella of polyamory (or even more generally ethical non-monogamy) happen with the knowledge and consent of all involved.  So no deception, no secrets.  Maitri and I are each dating both members of the cou...

Self-Loathing OR Chaos is Good News

Sometimes I feel betrayed by my own mind.  Right now is one of those times.  Coming back from the wedding last weekend and this entire week, I’ve felt like I overcame some basic obstacle.  I felt energized, and doing the work that I needed to do felt like turning on a faucet.  In the places I’ve lived, it’s been a given that when you turn on the faucet water comes out.  And it’s drinkable.  When I’m full lost in doubt, I hesitate to even touch the knob for fear that maybe nothing will come out or maybe bad water will come out.  Last Friday one of the other instructors for our sitting group was giving the instruction and she began by asking people to describe in a few words how they were feeling at that very moment.  The words that I chose were ‘unobstructed aliveness’.  She then asked me how it felt in my body to which I said that it felt like substantial-ness in the core of my torso with a feeling of buzzing out in my limbs.  As I sa...

Matters of the Heart: Part 1

What. A. Weekend.  Began with rediscovering my inspiration to do science and is now ending with full and quivering heart.   I realized that I had lost touch with my inspiration to pursue a career as a scientist last week.  I didn’t lose it last week, rather I discovered last week that I’d lost it sometime back in February.  Interestingly, instead of feeling harrowing or stomach-pit-dropping, it was a relief.  It suddenly made sense why I was having such a hard time working on my disseration research lately.  I’ve found that when the task is sufficiently well defined, I can be confident in my ability to overcome difficulties, so long as I can hold my mind to the problem in a firm and open way.  Meditation seems to help with that.  A lot.     As I write this I’m not sure whether to talk about my process or the content.  One of my intentions for this blog is that it can be a place where I don’t have to think about whether t...

Confidence to go beyond hesitation

I’m a practicing Shambhala Buddhist.  Maybe the specifics of that aren’t super important, but it seems like good context to have.  For at least three years I’ve been longing for a group of younger folks to meditate and generally share community with.  The local group of practitioners is sufficiently small that I knew at those first pangs of longing that I would need to be a primary instigator of said group.  I have experienced a lot of hesitation around putting effort into starting a group like this.  What if it takes more energy than I’m able to give?  What if I try to get it going and no one is interested?  I’d like to introduce you all to my two familiars Failure and Rejection.  I’d like to call them friends in the kind of aspirational sense that I can accept them without letting my fears about them run the show, but that would be disingenuous.   In November in Boston I went to a 30’s and under meditation group thinking it would be...