Matters of the Heart: Part 2
The reason that Maitri and I travelled to <midwestern city> is for our sweethearts’ wedding. It occurs to me that the plural possessive form in the object of that sentence requires some elaboration. Maitri and I are polyamorous. Basically, that means that our commitment to each other doesn’t include ‘forsaking all others’. Polyamory (sometimes ‘poly' for short) comes in just about as many flavors as there are people practicing it. Maybe in a future post I’ll elaborate on the specifics and ideological underpinnings of this way of conducting relationships, but for now I’m going to stick to how things actually play out in my experience. I will emphasize one more point, though, which is that the relationships that occur under the umbrella of polyamory (or even more generally ethical non-monogamy) happen with the knowledge and consent of all involved. So no deception, no secrets. Maitri and I are each dating both members of the cou...